Monday is here. Back to work, or maybe not?

Looks like had some external “issues” earlier, I logged on to post at 4.30 this morning and was greeted by “Site taken down by Reddit” (lol). Looks like the nasty hacker types have been evicted.

What are you looking forward to (or dreading) this week?

    1 year ago
    • I have a cold. Not terrible, but it’s there.
    • We had a power cut yesterday and the internet has been slooooow since then - no idea why.
    • Last batch of updates on an old Linux Mint laptop has borked the resolution.

    So, I guess that I am looking forward to getting all those resolved.

    Oh yes, and my SO’s birthday present delivery is delayed too. Still a couple of weeks though, so hopefully not too long.

    So that’s my Monday morning moan.