Serious question, as I‘ve barely seen any mention of Lemmy on Reddit. None of the Mod posts regarding the Blackout mentioned Lemmy as far as I‘m aware. Would it be against the TOS to start a coordinated promotion?

    1 year ago

    I agree. Earlier today I popped in to lurk Reddit to see what’s going on, and as a treat I sorted on “Controversial” on the front page. Overwhelmingly, the users who are still on there do not want to go dark again. Like you said, they just do not care at all.

    The issue is that not only do they not care, they do not understand what the protest is about and they do not even want to understand. They do not care for the site’s legacy, they do not care for what made Reddit attractive to begin with, they do not care for users and mods affected by Reddit’s proposed changes, they do not care that a handful of corporates should not have so much control over internet content. Nothing. They want their doom-scroll Reddit fix, that’s it and apparently lose their mind if that goes away even for a couple of days.

    Most seem to feel that it’s mods power-tripping over nothing and if they have an issue with Reddit they should just leave. Problem solved. I hope as many mods there as possible just lock up their subs forever and leave. Nothing stops the remaining people from creating new subs even right now or from Reddit (the company) eventually reopening them and figuring out moderation and content.