How have you successfully gotten over a breakup? I did not end the relationship and it was the most significant of my life. I feel confused and trying to understand why. I’m not sleeping well and my anxiety has decided to resurface. I’m ruminating. I don’t have many people to go to about this. Please don’t say I will find someone else, because I can’t go there right now. And I know it won’t happen anyway.

  • possibly a
    1 year ago

    You will have a void, and you will need to fill it (with something positive or exciting or fulfilling) or it will turn into rumination. You have questions, and some of them will always remain unanswered - you won’t find comfort in an answer that isn’t coming, but you can always find comfort by letting go of the question. You will be at a loss as to who to be and what to do, but you will find it again once you start living again. You won’t know how to move on, until you have already moved on and this has all become a strange memory.

    As long as you are moving forward, it is the right way forward. Try to stay busy. Consider joining a local activity group of some sort. If you find yourself orienting your mind or actions back toward them, understand that it is because you still have an emptiness and you are seeking comfort from it through old behaviors that will now only make it worse. No one knows what will fill it one day, but something or another will. You just have to keep walking until you reach that destination.