Please, use adequate ventilation (with a heat exchanger if you need to keep A/C in the room) if you’re going to be resin printing inside. I don’t want to see all of you guys get cancer from this hobby.

    1 year ago

    Let’s say the chemicals aren’t healthy. Disclaimer: RTFM (MSDS and technical datasheet) and consult with professionals.

    There are a few issues here at play. One major issue is that repeated exposure has a risk of sensibilization. Once this happens there is no way back. Your life will change.

    The consumer industry has already moved. I remember explaining to Anycubic sales what an MSDS is and why I need it (if you need a good argument in such conversations: REACH). These days you can download it on their website.

    To this day the packaging might not be CLP conform. At least their marketing got better: Water washable has now a section about waste treatment but plant-based resin is still advertised as “low odor and safe to use” or “truly environmentally friendly”. Worst of all they still suggest that the odors are safe to breathe as everything is soybean-based: The truth is they aren’t and neither is it soybeans. What once was soybeans is heavily modified.

    Sadly this is not just an Anycubic issue.

    Btw. If you use Anycubic though resin: According to their MSDS they switched the product and kept the name the same (approx. 2 years ago).