
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Brother, pretty much every single woman I know under the age of 40 plays, at the very minimum, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, and Terraria. Most of them also play other big games, like Dark Souls, Elden Ring, etc.

    The genre that the mostly don’t play though are modern “arena” style shooters like Call of Duty, Halo, CSGO, Rainbow Six, etc. They’re far more likely to play something like Fortnite or Hunt or something where you can have a small squad to roll with. Typically because it means they don’t have to deal with anywhere near the same number of toxic random assholes.

  • Most FromSoftware games.

    Absolutely love the lore and writing, love the environments and character designs and atmosphere. It’s a shame that I mostly find the games to be a boring slog to actually play.

    So I watch Let’s Players and while they do the fighting, I can take the time to really enjoy how well-polished everything is and throw open the wiki and read through item flavor text or other bits of info.

  • I could never get into The Witcher 3. I recognize that it’s purely a subjective thing, but it honestly feels like they handcrafted that game sitting there going “Well what would Action Bastard REALLY hate mechanically?”

    Just absolutely nothing clicked for me aside from bits of the story, and even that wasn’t really holding my attention all that well since I’ve already had a lot of exposure to Eastern European mythology and folklore and just don’t really care about any of the main characters.

    That said, some of the side quests were absolutely delightful in terms of being fun ideas. I just didn’t enjoy the minute to minute gameplay enough to be able to stick with it.