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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The problem here isn’t talking to Meta or Meta making a federated platform.

    Nobody can prevent Meta from doing that anyway.

    The problem is the need to push against the insistence of Meta to keep these meetings off the record. It’s against the entire philosophy of something like not only fediverse but FOSS in general.

    If Meta wants good faith, they have to show it first.

    Notice that in the email, Kev gives his guidance as to the matter. Do whatever the fuck you want as long as you put people first and make a product for the purpose of serving them.

    This should be the attitude everyone should have first.

    We will accept you as long as you’re bringing value to us, not the other way round, got that Meta?

    As long as any dev is taking this approach, Meta included, I’m supporting them. If someone is secretive about their intentions about a public service which is not a for profit endeavor inherently, I’ll have a hard pass too.

  • If the adoption rate continues and quality of life improvements such as efficient mobile apps keep getting made, I think it’s inevitable. But I also think it can be a good thing, especially if the distributed instance culture with semi-independent communities persist. If the culture shifts so much to instances just being nodes into the larger “verse” so to speak, the general experience could shift a lot with it.

    In any case, with all the different user experiences available already with Mastodon, kbin, lemmy, Calckey, Pixelfed and Peertube offering vastly different experiences into the same ecosystem, it’ll be a lot more diverse I believe as everyone will find their own comfort zone.

  • What I don’t understand with the “wait and see” people is the presupposition that it means to federate day 1 and see if they fuck things up to decide if defederation is needed. Their reasoning often includes “two clicks” as if the amount of effort defederation takes was the concern people had.

    “Let’s wait and see how they behave first, and then decide if we can federate safely” is just as much a “wait and see” stance, and it should take two clicks as well.

    Why do we have to get exposed first and react later when we can observe first and then decide if we want it or not?

  • Very nice presentation!

    It’s one of my favorite breakfasts too, at least as far as the ingredients go

    I like potatoes to be a bit starchier and stickier than fried so I cut them into bite size cubes, but then I slowly roast them in a pan with some olive oil until they become fluffy and soft, then add crushed cumin and coriander seeds, red pepper flakes of whatever kind I happen to have, and fresh oil before increasing the heat and sort of stir-frying the spices into the crust.

    I’m partial to poached eggs, or Gordon Ramsey style scrambled eggs.

    I like to pre cut bacon into squares, like four-five squares per strip of bacon, and I stir-fry them in the same pan I make the potatoes in. I like the texture of some starch and leftover spices on the bacon.

    I’ll try your method too some day. Thanks for sharing.

  • We need deliberate efforts to archive everything efficiently.

    We also need a way to decouple everyone’s personal info from publicly available information about them, keeping in mind that not all publicly available information is intended to be that way.

    Storage ain’t cheap and it definitely ain’t infinite.

    This is a way harder problem than “the internet” being a bit more mindful can solve easily.

    Not to absolve any companies from responsibility or anything.