A random person on lemmy

Banner art from Deemo switch version

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Lemmy is actually interesting as there could be four implementations (or five if you consider none).

    • Standard instant push notifications (you get them in app and out of app)
    • Push notifications only while app is open in forground (example lemmy web ui only has notifications when tab is open)
    • Polled notifications (notifications that occur after preset interval).
    • A combination of the above three (ex: polled notifications in background push in forground)
    • No notifcations at all

    Just some thoughts

  • I love wefwef/voyager. This might not be a normal feature people use but I love wefwef’s deep linking feature (on android). I have a push notification system for lemmy which detects incomming emails from lemmy and uses ntfy to send reddit sync like push notifications. In wefwefs case I can set ntfy to open voyagers inbox directly. Voyager is also nice since opening a unread message (or interacting with it) auto marks it as read (which I don’t believe other clients do for some reason, I could be wrong though).

  • I don’t really self host a lemmy instance so I ended up taking a different route (admitidly janky but reliable).

    I have a mac mini running 24/7, I enabled lemmy to send notification emails. On my mac I have the mail app set to automatic refresh and have a set of rules which search for lemmy instance as sender and subject contains reply. When mail detects it I have an apple script run a mac shortcut which checks my inbox latest inbox rss extracts the text and sends a ntfy push. Admitedly there are better ways to do this probably (than relying on shortcuts and apple script) but it works 🫠

    Result notification

    Also I have the link set to open wefwef on android (open in opens webapp) on ios I have it run deeplink to a shortcut which opens wefwef in webview

  • I kinda wonder if sync for lemmy can use a sort of hybrid aproach. For instance when sync for lemmy is in the forground it uses websockets with the lemmy instance to get push notifications. However once the app is exited (or after a predetermined perioed of time) sync could revert back to polled notifications. This is kinda similar to how lemmy web sends push notificaitons when opened as a tab but doesn’t when closed.

  • What kinda bugs me about youtube premium is that even if you pay you still get ads via baked in sponsors. I know creators have the right to do what they want with there content but I wish as a user there is an economical opiton to truely block ads.

    Currently there are two paid models:

    1. Nebula like services. I kinda wish more platforms like this would popup since atleast when you use them you truely get no ads (no baked in nor platform injected). While they have a lot of creators a lot of creators are missing from the platform (its mostly education/tech focused).

    2. Patreon/Floatplane. Now this is typically the more popular option with creators as it guarantees a reasonably stable cash flow. The problem is as a user if you have to subscribe to multiple patreons for adfree content it can easly get to the cost of a cable bill (assume each creator charges $10 per month if you have 10-20 creators your follow you could be looking at a minimum of $100-$200 a month just to enjoy adfree content).

    A kinda caviot is idk how much it costs in time/labor for production of youtube videos for major channels like linus. It could be that services like Nebula/Vessle would never be able to cover production cost hence why a patreon model is used. Even youtube ads if I recall only was able to cover about only one of their employees saleries (a lot but not enough to sustain the company).

    I hope this post didn’t come of as selfish/greedy.