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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023

  • 2 months later and there’s still not a satisfying answer. I would have hoped 1 or 2 apps would have risen to the top by now, but it’s still just a scattershot of people suggesting like 8-10 different ones. There’s no consensus.

    I don’t want to download an app and get all set up only for development on it to suddenly halt. Then I’d either have to switch again, or be stuck with one that’s forever missing features.

    Too many new apps popped up in too short of time. Some of them are bound to fail or be abandoned. Some of them are likely to have been hacked together by amateurs and contain gaping security or functionality flaws.

    Does anyone have a suggestion with more substance than “I like this app because it’s the one I downloaded”?

  • You can be against abortion and still be pro-choice. No one is pro-abortion. You want to go about it in a way that changes the circumstances in people’s lives so they choose not to have an abortion. So you do think the person’s choice matters. And you can see circumstances for why someone would choose to abort. But note how you don’t want to take actually away their choice, just change the circumstances so they don’t make that choice. That’s because…

    You’re pro-choice.

  • So are things like non-viable pregnancies due to the inability to afford a home? How about rape? How about a minor kicked out because their parents don’t approve, is their inexperience, immaturity, and lack of support just because they can’t afford a house? What if it’s a viable pregnancy, but the baby will be brain dead and require constant care; is cost of living the only burden the parents have to be concerned about? What if there’s only a chance it’s non-viable, but delaying the abortion puts the mother at risk; at what percent chance is a person allowed to terminate the pregnancy and not put their body at risk? 50% chance of living? 10%? Less than 1%?

    These aren’t exceptions, these are the types of reasons people get abortions. Let me say it again with emphasis: These aren’t exceptions, these are the types of reasons people get abortions. It is so God damn ignorant to think the main reason people get abortions is because they’re poor and can’t afford to have kids. And to plow ahead and support anti-abortion legislation isn’t just ignorant, it’s dangerously idiotic.

    As we are already seeing in states that have banned abortion, even ones that have some half assed medical exemption, doctors just won’t perform them. Or they’ll wait to perform them until it’s much more risky; like when the patient is literally bleeding out. What doctor is going to risk getting constantly sued (and let’s just set aside how fucking asinine it is to allow lawsuits from third-parties in no way affected) because some jackass isn’t convinced it was REALLY medically necessary?

    Here’s an idea, how about we leave the decision of abortion up to doctors and their patient’s? That way, we don’t have to try and legislate around all the very legitimate reasons people get abortions. Do you think it’s immoral? Great, no one’s forcing you to get one and others having them has literally zero impact on your life.

  • Let me give you a hypothetical that’s close to reality. Say an artist gets very popular, but doesn’t want their art used to teach AI. Let’s even say there’s even legislation that prevents all this artist’s work from being used in AI.

    Now what if someone else hires a bunch of cheap human artists to produce works in a style similar to the original artist, and then uses those works to feed the AI model? Would that still be stolen art? And if so, why? And if not, what is this extra degree of separation changing? The original artist is still not getting paid and the AI is still producing works based on their style.