• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • dont you see the inherit problem that these devs all themselves created with the increasing cost, increasing scope, increasingly forcing bigger retention spans? these games dont need to be this needlessly huge and even than there is no need to have them almost broken (have you SEEN how cd project red always releases their games?)

    i never said it was that much better back than, its just much easier to have all of this garbage available than it was back than cause now its flooding the online stores

    and of course “do it better yourself than”, i dont have to be a mastercoder to recognise subpar quality, i dont need to be a masterchef to know when something tastes bad

  • how would you know how much effort i put into trying to fix things on linux? how would you know i spend days if not weeks in total trying to make garbage run that should have worked out the box.

    yes, you cant fix it, cause you are not willing to make the actual piece of software work, clearly.

    waydroid, literally, for a fact, is not an out of the box experience or it wouldnt have silly requirements as gpu, de/wm.

    I am long past trying to fix things that shouldnt need fixing in the first place, if it doesnt work in under 30 minutes max, than whatever software it was is defacto broken and doesnt need to be used.

    And you actually are right, well with one thing, you are free to tell me to stop complaining, and i am free to continue. neither of us has any power to make the other stop.

    But we are clearly going in circle for a while, so as per my own rules on software, ill use them here as well.

  • ill never use telegram again, especially if i need to make an account again, and the few times i actually posted on github it felt so stuffy and crummy like you needed to be extremely careful about every single word you say

    if you really wanted to fix something, make waydroid easier to use and most importantly, work regardless of desktop environment

    the other thing that needs fixing is the linux mentality you cant always point your finger at the user, sometimes, and heres the kicker, its not the user when certain programs cant even run on a stock distro that literally just got installed, like the whim of the code gods are rolling a dice, ill call bullhog on the “its the user” mentality

  • endeavor was the least trouble i ever had in regard of never having any hassle, i had to jump through far more hoops trying to get certain things working in say…linux mint, than i ever had with endeavouros it makes arch actually usable instead of a nightmare to install

    i just have to type 3 letters and it updates everything, no hassle, speedy and actually easy (for once)

    thanks for the arch wiki link but 3 out of 4 times i have to force myself to use it, i eventually give up and search for the proper answer somewhere else cause i dont want to read the entire history of binary to understand it