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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Not everyone…I dated someone in my 20’s, their grandmother was a real asshole to everyone. Even to her dying days, she was throwing things at the door as her son would be coming into the room. Pretty fucked up, I still think back about it as there is someone in my life who’s in pretty bad shape but still doing the same shit to push people away from them. Turning soft on your deathbed isn’t going to help when no one will show up for you at that stage anyways.

  • I’ve become MUCH more of a twat as I get older/ now that I’m over 40…

    I just don’t have patience for the sillyness anymore. You wanna be a unicorn furry? Sure, whatever, I dgaf just gtfo my way so I can go about my life without your bullshit interrupting me. You wanna spend all your time talking about immigrants or your culture, i’m going to walk away…if you follow and annoy me as that type tends to do, i’m going to take the gloves off and bury your stupid ass with facts based in the reality you insist on avoiding.

  • I like the feeling when I’m working very hard. Whether that’s lifting weights, hiking, mountains, or just moving heavy things I generally enjoy that feeling of exertion.

    In terms of you starting to enjoy it, the only suggestion that I would make is that the only way through is forward and keep it going until it becomes enjoyable for you. That might sound counterintuitive but ultimately little in life that’s easy is worthwhile and the effort that you’ll put in will be rewarding.

  • Dispersion is the problem. In the last place, there were 2 places the kids could wreck, the living room and their shared bedroomso we could tidy them and it would be presentable… this place? Half dozen easy, plus there’s 2 additional bathrooms, the kitchen is twice the size and the basement is like a soccer pitch sized FFS.

    We needed the space, last place wasn’t working so these are good problems to have but it’s definitely more than I anticipated.