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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • I just don’t like having disingenuous data presented

    The difference between fighting disingenuous data and reframing the issue to favor another party is the degree in which the so-called disingenuous aspect actually matters.

    In this case, the fact that the top 4% pay materially more than the rest doesn’t actually matter because they own the vast majority of the wealth. If that same wealth were evenly distributed, more of it would be paid into the system. And that is the point.

    What you are doing is not representing the other side of a disingenuous issue, what you are doing is framing the issue in a way that favors the wealthy by citing a statistic that is beside the point.

    That in itself is dishonest and a talking point that the wealthy use regularly to try and convince people that they are actually the good guys.

  • I meant that to say, it’s a genre that deserves to be distinguished from just one of the many games that define it.

    As a rephrase of that comment, defining the 5 games I listed after one game that basically just came before them would be dishonest because of how different those games all are from Slay the Spire and each other. That’s why the genre is named after what they all have in common, which is a mashup of two existing genres.

    What you’re proposing would be like renaming the first person shooter genre to “halo-like” or “call of duty-like” just because those games predate a lot of others and people like them. It’s unnecessary and loses the descriptive quality of the name it has.

  • The genre can be called “rogue like deck builder” all you want, we all know what it really is: “Spirelike”

    Well, you did. And you also directly acknowledged that the genre already has a name in the same sentence.

    It seems to be your opinion that it needs another one, even though the name it has is already so well established that it has its own steam tag.

    I mean, you’re entitled to have that opinion, and I also understand the logic behind it. But this conversation wasn’t started with “us” saying it needs another name.

  • Unpopular opinion incoming:

    I don’t think we should ignore AI diagnosis just because they are wrong sometimes. The whole point of AI diagnosis is to catch things physicians don’t. No AI diagnosis comes without a physician double checking anyway.

    For that reason, I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing that an AI got it wrong. Suspicion was still there and physicians double checked. To me, that means this tool is working as intended.

    If the patient was insistent enough that something was wrong, they would have had them double check or would have gotten a second opinion anyway.

    Flaming the AI for not being correct is missing the point of using it in the first place.

  • I’m not in an affected country, but from what I can gather from what happened most recently:

    Steam changed their pricing policy in relatively poor countries from localized affordable prices to strictly usd equivalent because people in other countries were using vpns to make accounts in those poor countries to get games for what would be pennies for them.

    I don’t remember which countries were involved in the first place, but in those countries now where they don’t make as much money on average, but everything is much cheaper, some steam games can cost the equivalent of a month’s salary.

    That’s why the store isn’t viable in those countries anymore.

    Edit: Here’s a source

  • Hot take: I’m playing unicorn overlord and started it after I read this article a couple days ago. It’s honestly not that bad.

    The story itself feels a little shallow, being about 10 hours in. Aside from a certain character being “abducted”, I really haven’t perceived any risk so far. It seems like every decision I make is a no-brainer with consequences only appearing if I make the obtusely obvious wrong decision.

    Story and writing wise, it isn’t really the shining example of jrpgs to begin with, so the localisation just seems like a footnote so far.

    The gameplay loop is pretty satisfying though, which is why I’m still in it. I’m ready for the writing to mature into a darker game and hoping that this first “chapter” is just a light beginning. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t happen.

    To be honest, if I were going to be offended at anything in this game, it’d be the jiggly boobs on half the girl units for no reason and the overtly sexual way that the witch class character just… Stands there swinging her hips? But I’m not one to even care that much about eye candy. But it’d make a better complaint to me than overly-shakepearean localisation.