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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • This must have changed with 23.04 or something then, because when I set up my home server a little over a year ago, ZFS as root was not only not a part of the install, but also heavily recommended against as something that could be hacked in. Basically you could do it, but you shouldn’t was my impression. I ended up doing EXT4 as root, then mounted my ZFS storage in my home directory.

  • All of my passwords are in Bitwarden and important ones are shared with my wife who has her own Botwarden and has shared her important passwords back with me. If one of us goes, the other will have access to everything. I don’t (yet) have any descendants to inherit anything of importance, so I’m not worried about anything beyond my passwords so that if something happens to me, my wife can manage all of the accounts for bills, banking, communication, etc.

    If/when I have children, I will likely make a new plan that builds on what I already have, with directions to access my password vault that can be given to my brother and his husband and my parents, should they outlive me and my wife. With my passwords, everything else of import is accessible. Thankfully, my brother is very tech savvy, so if my wife and I both go, I can trust him to be able to log in to everything and pull important media down.

  • My main desktop has 1TB of storage (NVMe, fast) but I have a whole separate home server that has one 500GB boot drive and three 6TB hard drives running in a ZFS pool. (ZFS is analogous to RAID, or Redundant Array of Independent Disks. basically one drive can die and I won’t lose any data as long as I replace the drive before a second one dies.) This 21TB storage bucket holds anything and everything that doesn’t need to be on my primary computer. It holds all my documents, photos, music, movies, TV shows, backups, and all of my disc images and ROMs for emulation. The only things I keep on my primary PC are games I am currently playing or will play soon and programs that need to be installed or run locally. Everything else is loaded over the network as-needed. For most stuff, I can just point my applications at the network share by mounting it to a drive letter in Windows.

  • I once was working as an apartment maintenance guy for a property in Colorado. During the interview I made it clear that I wasn’t looking to move into a high responsibility role immediately and that I wanted to spend some time familiarizing myself with some more specific types of repair before going into any sort of management track. The interviewer seemed to like that answer given my previous experience and resume and I was hired.

    A few months later, I made a mistake because I was asked to take a tech from the local utility around to every single unit on the property. Originally the property manager told me I’d have three days to do the work, but I was pressured to do it faster so that the tech could make a flight to his next job. We were installing batteries in water meters, which required the unlocking and opening of water heater closets on resident balconies. The residents did not have a key to their closet and were not allowed access. The closets did not use doorknobs either. They were held shut by the deadbolt locks. That night a storm rolled in. The resident called the on call service complaining that the wind was blowing the door open, but the on-call tech told them to put something in front of the door to keep it shut and that we would be by in the morning to lock the deadbolt. They didn’t do as they were asked and their pipes froze, causing a flood in the unit below them.

    Later that day, I was asked to hand over my keys. As I was getting them detached from my personal keys, the property manager told me that she felt that she was “sold a bill of goods” that I hadn’t lived up to and that she had hired me because i had looked like “management track material.” I told her that in the interview with the maintenance manager I said that I wanted a learning experience and that I wasn’t ready for management. I told them I had never lied to them and left the property.

    A week later I had applied for and was interviewing for a new job at another property. My phone rang during the interview. I silenced it and apologized to the interviewer but carried on. After the interview I listened to the voicemail that my old boss had left. “When we offered you the job I had you mixed up with someone else. We hired the wrong person.”

  • A well stocked toolbox. Not just a random assortment of things but a well considered, well stocked toolbox with everything you need to tackle basic home repair.

    To all those saying that tools are too expensive, they are not. Everything you need to tackle most home repair scenarios can be had under $100. Will you be turning screws by hand and adjusting wrenches? Yes. Will it be enjoyable work? Probably not, but you absolutely can have a good set of very basic tools for under $100 then add to it over time.

    Get a hammer, adjustable wrench, angled pliers, razor utility knife, and 11-in-1 screwdriver. Buy additional tools as needed.