• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • We all know it sucks. I have no idea why people use it instead of anything else. My workday is jammed with fucking ansible which, while also being so ghetto that we were easily doing more with less in 2002, uses So.much.fucking.yaml . Just when you think ansible couldn’t get more clunky and useless and slow, it also is configured in yaml.

  • My old employer used to have people on staff just for technical writing. Some of that writing became the man pages you know, and some of it was ‘just’ documentation for commercial products - ID management and the like.

    Then we sued IBM for breach of contract, and if you ask anyone about it they’ll parrot the IBM PR themes exactly, as their PR work was brutal. People in Usenet and Forums were very mean, and the company decided to stop offering much of the stuff that it was for free. It was very ‘f this’.

    If man pages needed a volunteer to maintain, I know why ours tapered off.

  • assume that productivity is a feature of an individual and not a feature of a team. That’s a wrong assumption. The fairest way to pay is same salary for the whole team.

    So much of what we do produces nothing, but prevents a lot. There is definitely a reason to pay for experience and seniority: it’s not so much about creating widgets faster but more about not making short-sighted decisions. And in dev work, we have a high chance of making bad decisions as we’re second-generation lost-boys.

    Having said that, those individuals are out there for whom compensation starts competitive and ends just short of their value. It’s eye-opening to meet and talk with these people and, once you do, it will change your life having them in it.

  • Oh my god.

    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/knadh/listmonk/master/

    We absolutely need to stop this. Sure, I saw the disclaimer, but we need to end the normalization of running ANY black-box crap off the net. “curl|sh” needs to be laughed into exile for all our safety.

    The easiest thing needs to be the right thing – common security saying

    Then it’s


    As if that’s actually user-friendly or a positive experience instead of the worst thing to ever survive from the last century, crawling along on its rotting flesh and drooling on the pavement like some toxic residue from the vietnam war that it is.

    In what asylum do you have the people willing to suffer vi and who also need a curl|sh ? Are they lazy or just misled as noobs into thinking vi is the only editor out the–

    You guys, I just realized how vi masochists actually reproduce. It’s like zombies, guys, eating brains until the victim raises up another zombie.

    And that curl|sh – does it invite supply-chain exploits? Ohhh, you bet it does! Best black-box script ever! Use this as a test for your security people – if they gauge this as a threat from within another threat, they pass. But, honestly, had it not been for the horrible spelling, I wouldn’t have thought to check further. \shrug. Mineshafts and canaries I guess.