I’m a technical kinda guy, doing technical kinda stuff.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Blu-Ray USB drive and M-Discs is about the best you can get at present. Keep the drive unplugged when not in use, it’ll probably last 10-20 years in storage.

    Seeing as there hasn’t been much advance past Blu-ray, keep an eye out for something useful to replace it in the future, or at least get another drive when you notice them becoming scarce.

  • I’ve commented on this previously, but this is essentially either a hit piece, or very poor reporting on Reuters’ part.

    Basically nobody looks at raw numbers for injury statistics. It’s normalised to injures per million man hours worked, and when you take some conservative estimates on the size of SpaceX’s workforce and the time periods involved, you find that they land pretty much in the middle of current “heavy industry” injury rates.

    But it surrrre does look bad if you look at the raw numbers, just like if you looked at the combined raw numbers of, say, 10 steel mills across the country.

    Permalink to my previous, much longer, comment

  • I don’t think there’s anything commercially available that can do it.

    However, as an experiment, you could:

    • Get a group of photos from a burst shot
    • Encode them as individual frames using a modern video codec using, eg VLC.
    • See what kind of file size you get with the resulting video output.
    • See what artifacts are introduced when you play with encoder settings.

    You could probably/eventually script this kind of operation if you have software that can automatically identify and group images.

  • If you’re interested in the systems behind Apollo, go find and read “Digital Apollo”.

    It goes all the way through the project and describes in good detail everything, how they developed the control systems, the computer hardware, how the software was designed, how they implemented one of the first real computer systems project management, all the interactions between astronauts/test pilots who still wanted to “manually fly the lander”, the political back and forth between competing teams, the whole thing.

    It’s a great read if you have a technical mindset.

  • Usually iterations of:

    “Closed and locked due to duplicate of: (question asked 9 years ago about Visual Studio 2011 and Visual Basic, when you’re using VS code '22 and C#)”

    “This seems like an XY problem, what are you really trying to accomplish?”, after a one thousand word post describing in detail exactly what you are trying to accomplish and the many different reasons why you can’t just use #GENERIC_EVERYDAY_METHOD.

    Either that or the quick and dirty method that I want for a one off data conversion that uses standard libraries is heavily down voted and lost while the elaborate, all-cases-considered, 7-third-party-library-using answer becomes the top result.

  • Dave.@aussie.zonetoLinux@lemmy.mlCompanies that use desktop Linux
    22 days ago

    how the IT team tries to justify being locked into Microsoft, and then telling me I could potentially become a point of vulnerability

    Because they can manage and control all the windows PCs , pushing updates automatically, restricting what users can do locally and on the network, they have monitoring tools and whatever antivirus and antimalware tools they have, and are able to easily manage and deploy/remove software and associated group licensing and so on and so forth.

    Meanwhile you’re a single user of unknown (to them) capabilities that they now have to trust with the rest of their system, basically.

    The first rule of corporate IT is, “control what’s on your network”. Your PC is their concern still, but they have no effective control over it. That’s why they’re being a bit of a pain in the ass about it.

  • True. Hence my caveat of “most cards”. If it’s got LEDs on the port, it’s quite likely to signal which speed it is at with those LEDs.

    I haven’t yet come across a gigabit card that won’t do 10Mbit (edit: switches are a different matter) but sometimes I’ve come across cards that fail to negotiate speeds correctly, eg trying for gigabit when they only actually have a 4 wire connection that can support 100Mbit. Forcing the card to the “correct” speed makes them work.

  • It’s mandatory voting in Australia, but you just need to turn up and mark your name off the list and you won’t get hassled to vote. But I guess, once you’re there…might as well vote.

    And the fine for not voting is $50 or so, and the electoral commission will take most reasonable excuses and waive the fine if you don’t make it.

    So it’s more like a, “come on guys, do your civic duty” kind of thing as opposed to MANDATORY, and 90-something percent of the voting population in Australia just rolls with it.

    Bonus: At most polling places you can usually get a “democracy sausage” for a small donation to a local cause, so most people will wander in just for that.

    Edit: voting is on a Saturday, so most people don’t have to take time from work to vote. There are legislative provisions that say that employers have to allow people time to vote if they work Saturdays, and polling stations are open from 8am to 6pm, which generally allows a window of opportunity for most people to vote without disrupting their day too much.

    There are also postal votes of course, which can be ordered via phone/letter/internet and sent to your address. You can fill them in and send them back early, so there’s no real reason to not vote.