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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • The problem is, in order to view the cameras in their app, the video has to relay through their cloud servers, and they had little to no security. Since then they have added encryption which hopefully helps.

    Best practice is to avoid placing any cameras, especially big box store cloud cameras, anywhere sensitive. The two cameras I have online right now are outside where hackers won’t see anything my neighbors can’t see.

  • I liked Gensin Impact for the first few years, but last time I played it, that game was the worst example of this.

    Teleport to location. Chat with npc for 5 minutes. Teleport to next location. Chat with another npc rehashing the first conversation for 5 minutes. Quick fight with trivial enemies. Teleport back to first npc Chat about random crap, slow walk to another npc, rehash the earlier conversation again, walk back to starting location, receive the most basic of rewards.

    The game is 90% dialog of which very little is relevant or meaningful and none can be skipped. There is an auto advance option for conversations, but so many meaningless dialog prompts (with options are always the same semanticly) that it doesn’t work.

    Of course this is all by design as the real goal is to sell you characters, not play a game.

  • Don’t panic. A few fleas could easily be random chance. You don’t really have to go to a vet, but in this case I would just for peace of mind for the humans.

    Do buy a flea comb (if you do not already have one) and begin combing every night. Espcially around the neck and head. Don’t worry about squishing the fleas, just mix up some mild soapy water in a glass and drop them in that.

    Keep count every night and you will be able to tell if the problem is under control or not.

    Do vacuum and clean house.

    You may want to invest in a flea trap. These combine a light and a sticky pad and can be placed on the floor to attract any loose fleas. Move it around to likely places and it will both help trap fleas and give you an idea of how many might be in the house (if any.)

    If you do not go to a vet, do buy some over the counter flea treatment. If regular combing is not enough, it will help, but I would not use it for just a few fleas.

    My cat has had fleas a few times, but thankfully I’ve only needed the ointment once. Mist of the time combing was enough.

  • My pet conspiracy theory that California does not exist. It was invented by democrats to pad their electoral votes. Any one who has traveled there actually went to a staged area in Oregon. Anyone who claims to live there is either brainwashed or in on it. Maps, globes, etc. have all been altered. Satellites have special software that adds California to its images. Spacecraft windows are actually screens that digitally alter earth to add California.

    Once you consider that California is allegedly the location of Hollywood and movies often create convincing, fake worlds, it makes sense. Hollywood was created to take advantage of the tech developed to fake California and continue funding the conspiracy…