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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I didnt say they werent usefull for other activities, i sayed its main use is for criminal activity, and i didnt sayed nor imply that it should be abolished. And money abolition in an of itself i suport acctually, but that would imply private property abolition, witch would be nice if it was made in a sociodemocratic way but with the current state of affairs i doubth it. And also i know that you where arguing it in bad faith as a wathabaoutismso that makes me think you already decided im wrong, so what is a man? A misserable little pile of secrets, but enough talk, have at tee (not really thoug). And while i too worry about privacy and fully suport it, but money in itself is not private since is part of the stablishment and what keeps it going. Block chain is a technology that solves an already solved issue in a very clever, but enviormentally hostile way. And since is outside of banks and control from the government, its gonna be the wild west in more litteral ways than one, since its mainly adopted by criminal organisations and outlaws, but it still is usefull for the type of people you already mentioned. So imo its not gonna be the future of finances or ownership on the internet that would be the abolotion of digital ownership when it comes to software, not privacy, and besides, an argument i hear a lot for bñockchain is that you will be able to sell used dogotal goods like videogames and other media…do you really whant that? To buy used software? Why not buy it directly from the publisher? Do you think the publisher is gonna allow you to do that? Besies Some one is gonna torrent it somewere on the internet, the fact that is digital and can be copyed with no limit and it doesnt degrade kinda solves scarcity, at least on a digital level, so… yeah, all of this is kinda meaningless when you take that into account i think.

  • Thats wy i think we should build an A.I. overlord so that it replaces our current leadership like politicians and the entire market bussines specially the top, so that it can exploit resources in a reneuable way that is already possible right now but you know… lobying and fucking oil companies, and redistribute them to the population in a just way incluiding but not limited to food (nice food not rations), housing, medical services, psichological support (but the real one not the human resources bullshit), entertainment and internet access, and eventually be able to make custom orders like custom furniture, video game capable aparatus, modifing your house, travel and even swimmimg pools and ice cream. Besides i think our survival hinges on us making something about our leadership since there is at least one major problem that we need fixed that our current leadership is not gonna solve i.e. golbal warming, since they rather sell their souls and their people to the oil companies, and replacing them (even with a coup) is just gonna put more corruptible people that are gonna get bought out by some other straigth up cartoonishly evil entity, or they themselves turning into it or being overtrown by it, and destroying the entity would require a massive effort and thats not happening without mass destruction and even if it is destroyed another one will rise up from the chaos caused by the anti corporate war. So the sollution would be a singularity level A.I.

  • I ussually dont like to get into LGB+ shenanigans (specially T&Q) since it allways devolves into slapfighting, virtue signaling and raiding (by both parties btw) , but im gonna risk it by sticking my nose in here and say that you have a really good point in the fact that the kids are getting forced into a political fight thats harasher than what they are prepared for and preferably shouldnt even be involved in and become a target themselves. But i dont think the solution should be banning it althogeter, maybe just having harsher penalties for constant attacks against them for that in particular (specially from adults) and with the children i say that they are still gonna get picked on for being orfaned so thats really not something thats gonna get solved by legislation, but an aspect of the fact that school fucking sucks, period, and the only solution is for schools to enforce protection on children in special circunstances.

    But all that kinda goes down the toilet when you realise that child protection services sucks monkey ass and will leave kids with fucking satan if he manages to check enough boxes for the requiremnts to get orphan kids and their goberment paychecks.