• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • Yeah student debt is no joke. I was fortunate enough to be in a position where I could commute and had enough student aid and scholarship to go debt free first 2 years and use savings from working part time to pay next 2 years off in (less than 6k each year). But I wish more companies would invest in proper training than push that on students and college to do (poorly imo).

  • Yes, my first year was fully remote, second was remote then in person with covid precautions and my third and last back to normal. But I dunno think that’s the whole of it. Like I see ppl on campus and they seem like covid had little impact on them. I think something is wrong with me, but I have been looking into social disconnection and loneliness lately, and I seems like, I’m not to dissimilar from many in Gen z.

  • Thanks a lot for the thoughtful reply, I kinda appreciate long replies! You got me thinking about the positive things I have done so far in college and they are more professional in nature .I got the chance to really dedicate time and study the things that interest me, my school had allowed me to self design my own major which is really cool in hindsight. And I have done about 3 internships,and work-study job,which I really enjoyed and helped me grow a lot as a professional. I feel like I’m more of ambivert that lends introverted. And you gave some really good pointers and advice, I take fully responsibility for the lack of effort on my part, I like was thinking to myself I hadn’t gone in about 80% of the buildings on campus, because I really just went to class and came home. So, I’m going to take your advice and just wander.

    I’m going to approach my last year of college with no expectations and just go with the flow of things.