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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Many people have given you answers of varying lengfhs, so I feel free to ask my counter-question…

    You say you had int() and float() but would do you assume would happen if you had just replaced ‘input(Who are you?)’ with ‘int(7)’? What value would be assigned to name if the statement was ‘nam = int(7)’?

    Following the logic you’re espousing in the OP, ‘nam’ would be equal to the string “int(7)” and the print statement would output “Welcome int(7)”. Either you understand why that wouldn’t be the case and should see why your original example works. Or you don’t and you should double check your understanding of functions and keep tapping people here for help.

  • The level scaling was what killed the game for me. Why am I going back to zones I trekked through nearly naked at the start of the game and having the exact same level of fight when I’m geared up? It cut the ankles out from any feelings of progression I might have felt. All for the sake of an open world that I didn’t ask for and wasn’t enthused about playing through. The open-world didn’t serve the story any better amd only brought negatives. Even if they wanted to give you freedom to explore, the story (from what I played was already laid out in tiers. Why not have those zones’ levels bracketed around those story tiers.